Who Is Steve

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Welcome to my blog. My name is Steve and live in Cincinnati,Ohio. I've been a business owner for 25 years in the home building industry. With the recent decline in the housing market I found it necessary to find a new source of income and like many people I came to the internet to find solutions. I found my new career in the Network Marketing Home Business industry. A choice I made inspired by the personal freedom and great income potential this industry is capable of providing. I created THE Home Wealth Builder to give others a place where they can find strategies and marketing tips to help grow their network marketing business as well.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Network Marketer vs The Banker "Just My View"

Probably wondering where this is leading, right? Follow along as I provide indisputable truths and defuse the myths about an industry that is changing lives, seeing exponential growth and grabbing the attention of billionaire investors and, to the many not so well informed, it may come as total surprise, it’s not the banking industry. Before I continue Let me add a little disclaimer. I am not pointing fingers at any one person. I have dwelt with and befriend successful, caring and generous people in both the network marketing and banking industries. With that being said, I must also mention of having on several occasions the displeasure of coming across a few so called business folks who were unscrupulous, compulsive lying thieves in the one industry that for some reason or other is considered a legitimate business, where as the other, until recently, was not. Just a hint here, The industry that was not considered legit until recently never needed a government bail out nor would they expect or except one. So why has the network marketing industry sometime in the past got labeled as a pyramid or scam and still to this day carries with it these undesirable references? Well, for time sake let’s not ask a banker his view on this subject because I’m sure it will take a large amount of paper work and many month’s before we finally get an answer that won’t make any since to anyone. Network marketing got a less then desirable reputation in the past because certain companies didn’t offer any tangible products or services. Revenue was solely produced by getting new recruits to join and not by the sales of legitimate products. They were to say the least out right scams. These are illegal and are now shut down as soon as they appear in the market place. A legitimate business as recognized by the US government is any business that offers a product or service for sale in the market place. Network Marketing Companies that meet this criteria are ruled by court of law to be absolutely legal. The fact is that the network marketing industry is thriving in this struggling economy do to the poor and some times illegal business practices of the banking industry. What a turn around. Wonder what industry is now going to be looked at in a different way and what industry is probably earning a new name such as scam, sham or possibly lone shark. Might be a tad bit harsh but at least they earned it. This is just my view on a touchy subject and if it a bit radical, I not sorry, I believe we all need to quit following the pack. It is a new economy, business has changed and we will have to be responsible for our own success. Network marketing brings with it freedom, something most other businesses can’t offer.

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