Who Is Steve

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Welcome to my blog. My name is Steve and live in Cincinnati,Ohio. I've been a business owner for 25 years in the home building industry. With the recent decline in the housing market I found it necessary to find a new source of income and like many people I came to the internet to find solutions. I found my new career in the Network Marketing Home Business industry. A choice I made inspired by the personal freedom and great income potential this industry is capable of providing. I created THE Home Wealth Builder to give others a place where they can find strategies and marketing tips to help grow their network marketing business as well.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Steve Kimball (AKA) The Home Wealth Builder My Story

I grew in Cincinnati Ohio where as a child I was always finding ways to make money whether it be collecting pop bottles, scrap metal or even raising quail for profits. I’ve always been an entrepreneur and it is my goal and desire to help others develope and fuel their own entrepreneurial spirit. For those that don’t yet know me my name is Steve Kimball and recently I created The Home Wealth Builder Marketing Team.
The past twenty five years has found me owner of a construction contracting company in the home building industry of which I built from the ground floor. Many people believe that owning a business is a true mark of success and are envious of this life style. I was constantly hearing thing like, you got it made, you make all the money, you can work when you want, you are your own boss, nobody tells you what to do amongst other such utterances that I knew not to be true but let them go on believing. My usual response was silence followed by a half hearted grin. I often thought to myself, they have no idea.
If owning your own business is the American dream I always wondered what constitutes a nightmare?
I lay a wake many nights trying to figure out how to get a huge back log of jobs finished on time by relying on in employees that didn’t care or worrying about how to get bills paid when times were slow. I associate myself with many traditional business owners and we all have faced this same frustration, to much followed by not enough.
I was trapped. It seems the more I worked my business trying to achieve my dreams and goals the further I got from them and the further I got from the freedoms a business owner should be able to enjoy. I was enslaved by this so called own your own business dream life which left me totally drained of time and energy.
I had enough of not spending time with my family. I never planned on not, going on vacations and not, seeing my kids grow but that was the way my life was unfolding or imploding. I was doing more and more of what wasn’t working, how insane is that?
The day came when I finally had to draw a line in the sand, it came after working a 14 day stretch of aggravation and sweat just to have future work given away to someone else for know apparent reason and to top it all off the bills still weren’t getting paid. I thought this is it, I going to find a business or source of income that doesn’t rely on clients determining how much money I was going to make.
What I found was a business that could be run from anywhere in the world because it was internet based. I didn’t have any previous internet skills but with this business it didn’t matter because I was to be trained by top producing internet marketing leaders that were going to mentor and coach me and what they asked in return was as I became a leader to do the same for others. It is a known fact in this community that if you give enough people what they want first and by doing so you can have what ever it is you desire in life.
With the internet you are paid what the free market allows not by what some one tells you your worth. In closing I know the internet isn’t for everyone but if your tired of living a life that doesn’t suit you it is worth your time to give this opportunity a look. It can quite possibly change your life as it has mine.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Three Tips For Finding That Top Network Marketing Business Opportunity

Network Marketing Business opportunities seem to appear daily in the home business industry and with so many opportunities available many business owners wanting to start a new enterprise find all the information quiet daunting. Every where you look whether it be on the internet, magazines, news papers, bill boards and even on cars driving down the road, business ads appear everywhere pitching the best home business opportunities and some even guaranteeing that you can make a six figure income.
This leads me to offer my first tip. Do not join any opportunity that guarantees any thing other then the hard work that is required to build any legitimate business. People pitching get rich quick schemes will tell you anything you want to hear to get you to join them so they can take a profit from your hard earned capital. Remember the adage, “if something sounds to good to be true it probably is.” Pass these so called opportunities over and keep looking.
Network marketing companies have been notorious for saying that they provide company training and support. But do they? Will there really be someone there to help you when you need questions answered or when your there beating your head against the wall trying to find qualified people to join your opportunity. Many network marketing companies only advise on growing a business is to go and make a list of everyone you know and try and get them to join. This is why so many people have failed is the past. Once you pitch your great business opportunity to them and they don’t seem as excited about it as you do and they tell you no then what.
Second tip, a top network marketing business opportunity will have a marketing system in place that can be duplicated by your team members and is a proven system for growing a successful business. You won’t have to be telling friends and family about your business. The best marketing systems being used today are the ones that leverage the power of the internet. The internet is global and operates twenty four hours a day, so make sure the training is based around internet marketing techniques.
The third tip which will be the hardest for many to wrap their minds around when trying to find that top network marketing company that will change their life, is to make this process fun. Don’t consider this work, this is a process that is going to create massive results both financially and personally, so just relax, because the right opportunity will present itself for those who make the commitment to succeed.